Hey there travelers!

We know that sometimes plans change, and we want to ensure you’re fully informed about our refund and cancellation policies. Please take a moment to review the following details:

If you cancel your trip more than 6 months before it starts, you’ll get a full refund, excluding the non-refundable deposit fee.

If you cancel within 6 months but between 60 and 90 days before your trip, you can transfer the full amount to a future trip, but a 30% cancellation fee will be deducted.

For cancellations between 30 and 60 days, you can transfer the payments as a credit, minus 50% of the trip value.

Cancellations within 30 days won’t receive a refund or credit, and the full booking value will be charged as a cancellation fee.

Should you get someone to replace you at any point , you will get a full refund. 

Refund Processing: Please allow up to 20 working days for your refund to be processed.

We hope this breakdown clarifies our policies. If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to reach out. Happy travels.