Meet Gacheri Mberia, a Kenya  traveler that  is passionate about African travel.  Her brand's name is a Kenyan Nomad and should you go through her social media pages, your wanderlust will most likely be triggered. From white water rafting in Livingstone Zambia, to solo traveling in Paris to living it up in Namibia; here's a little bit of her travel journey to inspire you...

What was your last destination and why did you settle on the destination?

Paris. When I started traveling my aim was to showcase the beauty of Africa. However, I decided that I might leave the continent this year to explore others. I settled on Europe and selected Paris because every single one of my friends that has visited fell in love with the city.

 Is there a way you can book cheap flights from Kenya?

The trick is always to book early and to do it yourself. Many people go through agents and that adds to your costs. Do comparisons for different airline prices then buy the ticket from the airline's website. Airline apps are also big on discounts so find out if that exists and purchase through the app.

River Seine, Paris

River Seine, Paris

What's your opinion on the notion "Travel is expensive?"

This is usually a sensitive topic because some people will still argue that 'expensive is relative'. I'm a believer in making your hobbies work and for this reason I deny myself almost everything so that I can travel. I also travel on a budget. When you master the art of cost-cutting from your lifestyle and traveling cheap, let's just say it's doable. I wrote my tips here on some of the things I gave up to travel frequently.

 Can you travel alone?

Yes. I prefer traveling alone.

Lake Kivu, Rwanda

Lake Kivu, Rwanda

What are the five things you can never travel without?

It depends on the mode of travel. However I'd say a shoulder rest, my phone, relevant documents, sunscreen and comfortable shoes. I explore a lot when I travel and shoes can make or break your trip.

 Do you think travel changes people?

Absolutely! Your perspective on a lot of things is widened when you meet people that may not subscribe to your beliefs. It's also eye-opening to see the architecture, infrastructure, art and culture of others.

Lake Malawi

Lake Malawi

 What are your the three apps that you use frequently when travelling?

Whatsapp to keep in touch with family and friends, Tinder to meet locals and Instagram to shine light on what my followers can do in that location.

 Where are you going next?

I actually don't know, and that's the exciting bit.

Takawiri Island, Kenya

Takawiri Island, Kenya

 What advice would you give anyone aspiring to travel?

Just get up and go, really. Company or none.

How do you balance work and travel?

I don't know if  I have found a balance yet. However, my work is flexible and that allows me to take unpaid leave whenever I require it to travel. I'm also big on weekend travels.

Zambezi River. Zambia

Zambezi River. Zambia

Fire Questions:

  • Favorite African city?Cape Town
  • Favorite destination in Kenya? Lamu
  • Favorite cuisine? Traditional African dishes

Want to catch up with Gacheri's travels for inspiration?

READ HER BLOG: A Kenyan Nomad

Find her on instagram : Akenyannomad



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