It all started when Tatenda of Free Walking Tour Harare to show me around. Tatenda does this service free of charge and if you are ever in Harare, contact her for a free city tour.
Hello Tatenda
The flamboyant trees that line the city of Harare
Meet Tendai
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After this shocking revelation, we continued eating. The chicken did not taste the same after that. Okay. I lie. I am still a regular at chicken inn. I remember asking various questions about Zim like why their carnivore has giraffe meat on the menu. How do you even slaughter a giraffe surely?
All this time, while I was busy getting familiar with the culture, a whole freaking military take over had already happened. Imagine that. And I had no idea. (insert clapping emoji here)
Harare City. The tall building in the picture is currently the tallest building in Zimbabwe. It's the Reserve Bank
People went on with their business as usual, or so it seemed. I swear. Nothing tipped me off that something was amiss. It was until I got to where I was staying and my WiFi connected When I got 100 WhatsApp messages, 20 twitter DMS and Instagram messages all saying "RIOBA. GET OUT OF HARARE. NOW. THERE'S BEEN A COUP!!!!" Okay, maybe the DMS were not that many, who do you think I am, Queen of the North? I don't even have that many friends, but nevertheless, the messages startled me. I was there thinking maybe these people reaching out had the wrong country because a coup? In Zim? How? I had been in Harare the whole day, and I saw no damn coup.
What Coup? This is how the streets of Harare looked like
I would not have believed the messages until I switched on the TV and saw a guy in military uniform speaking on TV. Guys, I may not know how a coup looks like, but I know that no army man is responsible for broadcasting the news.
Hell broke loose.
He was saying something in either Shona or was it Ndebele? Whatever it was, it sent me straight to the capital of panic nation. And those who know Rioba, also know that once she panics, she will wear that feeling elegantly and I suited up entirely with a matching headband.
I didn't even know what that army guy was saying, I had never witnessed a coup in my entire life, so I didn't know what the hell was going on, but I was traveling alone in a foreign country, and there was a military dude on TV talking about an apparent coup that had happened. The colorful trees that I had earlier found beautiful? They made me feel dizzy. I felt sick. I was nauseous, and I no longer had the energy to talk to anyone on the phone. I had traveled through 5 countries, and until then I had never questioned my decision to go solo until this very moment.
My panic took me to the owner of the place, a tall, gentle man who saw the terror written on my face and asked one of the workers to bring me a Zambezi. How dare he? Its like he had heard that to calm this girl down you have to get her a beer. And What do you know? It worked! He sat down, and he asked why I was worried. WAU!! I gave him the are you serious though look and sipped my beer. He asked me where I was from and after saying Kenya, he laughed and said, "Don't worry. We Zims are very peaceful people. You won't fall into any harm. ''
I was about to say, "What's that supposed to mean? Kenyans are peaceful!" Then I remembered how horrible and messy things were back home due to the elections and I kept my parrot pie shut.
It got worse because we had made plans with Tatenda to explore the outskirts of Harare then her text came in, '' Rioba... Can't make it tomorrow. I don't think it will be safe to walk around."
Before she ditched me.. Understandably.
On my way to the airport, I saw the army lying in grass hiding with guns pointed out. Well camouflaged with the airport grass. Which begs the question, Who were they hiding from if I could see them?
It was like watching a scene from the film, soldier boyz but now in real life. Also, if you do not know soldier boyz, Wakanda videotapes did you guys have at home in the 90s? One of the guards asked for my passport as some security measure then he said in broken Swahili ''Mtoto ya Kenyatta, mbona toroka? Sisi watu ya amani.'' "What the hell mtoto ya, Mugabe. First of all, we are going to have two presidents, if you are going to address me as a president's daughter, recognize both presidents. Secondly, I love peace." Is what I should have said but I laughed it off and went on thinking that this can't be a coincidence that someone different brought up the peace issue. Is this the picture that Kenya portrays? We can't settle issues amicably? That we love conflict? I mean the first time could have been a coincidence but this second time? I think not. My dear Kenyans, let's listen.
This experiencing highlights that travel pictures lie. Pictures lie. There is usually so much more going on behind the beauty and smile in pictures. Traveling is a great experience, but you can find yourself in a tricky situation especially if you are alone.
The lesson of the day is to be always connected. Do not be like me. Buy a sim card or roam. If shit goes south, go to the Embassy, it's practically your country. Communicate with your family members every step of the way.
Dear mom, I know you will read this. Sorry, you only just found out about this. Love you!
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