Location: Kenya, East Africa

Currency: Kenya Shilling

Languages: English & Swahili

Kenya is one of the countries with the best game drive experiences. Someone on twitter called Kenya Nat Geo's playground. Haha. In fact, most people focus on the game drive aspect since they assume Kenya is landlocked. Kenya has an amazing coastline thanks to the Indian Ocean and beyond that, we have several Lakes and the best sunsets I've ever seen. In addition, other than the Maasai we have 40+ tribes each with unique cultural practices.

You can start your trip by spending a few days in the capital Nairobi which is home to the only national park in a city. Yes, you will be on a game drive in the city. cool huh? Nairobians also know how to throw mean parties. I also can guarantee you will be stuck in traffic. After that, depending on what you like you can head to the Kenyan coast for some beach therapy, or the west to hop on the islands across lake Victoria, or rift valley for game drives and hiking, and for the culture. Rent a car if you are in Kenya for the long haul. It will make your road trips around worthwhile. Get lost and unlost because maps will not work everywhere. Get into car trouble and I guarantee you will and fall in love with Kenya a thousand times over like everyone else that has been.

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Read more: what you need to know when travelling to Kenya for the first time

Here are 20 Photos to inspire your next visit to Kenya.

Lake Jipe, Taita Taveta County

Lake Jipe

Wild waters

Lake Chala


Manda Island

kilifi Kenya

kilifi Kenya

Maralal camel derby


travel solo

Thompson Falls

Just Rioba Travel Lake Ol Bolossat




Nyandarua county - Justrioba Lake Ol Bolossat


Mzima springs

Takawiri Island

Losiolo Escarpment

Crescent Island




Ngare Ndare


Tsavo West National Park.

Tsavo West National Park.






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