If you are an African traveler, then by all means you have heard of the wonder that is Lake Bunyonyi in Uganda. If you haven’t then are you even a traveler? Lake Bunyonyi is said to be the second deepest lake in Africa . It is located near the Uganda-Rwanda border and Ugandans find delight in the beauty that is Lake Bunyonyi. Lake Bunyonyi is surrounded by green terraced hills and it somehow brought to mind the famous Sapa Valley in Asia. They are of course not similar but you get the idea. No?

What to Expect

Language: Ugandans speak mostly English and Luganda

Currency:  Ugandan Shilling

Debit/Credit cards: Most places will accept cards although you will need cash at hand in other places.

Ugandans drive on the right side.

We took advantage of the fact that Bunyonyi is near Rwanda and instead of heading straight back to Kenya from Rwanda, we stopped by Bunyonyi and after traveling through Rwanda and Burundi I can say with no doubt that Lake Bunyonyi was the highlight of this trip. I mean, look at this beauty.

Lake Bunyonyi in Uganda is located near the Rwandan Border

Lake Bunyonyi in Uganda is located near the Rwandan Border

Listen and listen carefully, if you are ever in Kigali, please do yourself a favor and go to Bunyonyi. It’s actually easier to access Bunyonyi from Rwanda.

Most travelers stop by Bunyonyi before or after Gorilla Trekking at Bwindi impenetrable forest and can you really blame anyone that stops by? Lake Bunyonyi is not only breath taking, it is a world wonder. Okay, maybe I am pushing it but seriously it is beyond stunning. Its home to 29 Islands and the Islands are surroundings are lush green terraced hills and I guarantee you will be left in in awe of this stunning hidden treasure.

Shot at Busara Island, one of the 29 Islands surrounded by Lake Bunyonyi

Shot at Busara Island, one of the 29 Islands surrounded by Lake Bunyonyi

Lake Bunyonyi is said to be the second deepest Lake in Africa

Lake Bunyonyi is said to be the second deepest Lake in Africa

The green terraced hills that surround Lake Bunyonyi

The green terraced hills that surround Lake Bunyonyi

One of the islands, each Island has a back story

One of the islands, each Island has a back story

Views on Lake Bunyonyi

Views on Lake Bunyonyi


The best views of Lake Bunyonyi

If you want the best views of the lake and the islands, find your way to Arcadia cottages and I promise you will not get enough of the views. The first time I went to Arcadia lodge I did not get enough of the views I had to go back the next day. By the way, you can visit Arcadia lodges even if you are not staying there. They have kick ass chefs who make mouth watering meals. Ask for  Ugandan cuisine while you are at it.

Sampling Ugandan beer

Sampling Ugandan beer

Lake Bunyonyi views from Arcadia cottages

Lake Bunyonyi views from Arcadia cottages

Lake Bunyonyi in Uganda is located near the Rwanda Border

The camera did not do this place justice, it's stunning!

The camera did not do this place justice, it's stunning!

Getting there

Lake Bunyonyi is located in a place called Kabale in Uganda. If you are coming from Rwanda, grab a shared taxi from Kigali and you will get to Kabale in less than three hours unless you run into trouble at the border.

If you are coming from Kampala, prepare yourself for an 8 hour drive . You can choose to drive yourself or get a bus to Kabale.

On the way to Kabale from Kigali

Where to stay

I would recommend staying in an accomodation that is next to Lake Bunyonyi if you can. Depending on your budget and preference, there are several accomodation options in Kabale.

We stayed at Bunyonyi Overland resort which is right next to the lake. I will probably bore you by insisting how lucky I was to be staying at a resort that was right next to the lake but I was lucky! Again, like I said, Lake Bunyonyi is a world wonder and it’s a place every traveler should check out. Everything is perfect.

Bunyonyi overland resort is a bit far from Kabale town so you will have to grab a taxi from the Kabale town to the resort. Please do not let the taxi drivers  charged you anything above UGX 20,000. We were about to be scammed in to paying twice that amount.

Bunyonyi Overland Resort

Bunyonyi Overland Resort

Bunyonyi Overland Resort

Bunyonyi Overland Resort

parking spot for Bunyonyi Overland's staff . They use canoes to commute to work daily

parking spot for Bunyonyi Overland's staff . They use canoes to commute to work daily

Things to do

You can choose to swim in Lake Bunyonyi, explore the settlements, hike, birdwatch and rent a boat to explore the islands. Some of the islands are associated to sad stories like Punishment Island.



Have you been? If you haven’t then what are you waiting for?

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4 thoughts on “Is Lake Bunyonyi The Most Beautiful Place In Uganda?

  1. August 1, 2018

    […] Read More: A travel guide to Lake Bunyonyi […]

  2. October 30, 2018

    […] read more: Is Lake Bunyonyi The Most Beautiful Place In Uganda?  […]

  3. February 13, 2020

    […] Catch up: Is this the most beautiful place in Uganda? […]

  4. March 21, 2020

    […] Before my recent trip, I had barely heard or seen anything about the lake other than a blog post by JustRioba. So when my pal suggested we visit it, I was curious and ready to go off the beaten tracks. We got […]

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