16 Things To Pack When Staying In A Hostel
16 Things To Pack When Staying In A Hostel

It's less than two weeks before I go backpacking West Africa and naturally my feelings are all over the place. I am planning to stay in hostels although I am not sure if I will find decent ones in West Africa.  Hostels are way...

How To Travel From Malawi to Zambia By Road
How To Travel From Malawi to Zambia By Road

I recently wrote about flights between African countries being super expensive.  I believe this is the main factor that discourages traveling in Africa. However, if you like me are a hardcore explorer, then there is the option of traveling in between African countries by bus....

How To Enjoy Cape Maclear On A Budget

By now, you should know Malawi stole my heart and I intend to go back there someday. I loved everything from the kampango fish, to enjoying a cold Carlsberg by the beach and watching the sun set over the lake. I made sure to...