Harare Free Walk Tour-Things to do in Harare, Zimbabwe
Harare Free Walk Tour-Things to do in Harare, Zimbabwe

"Are you going to Zimbabwe? Yeah. There is no money. They have some sort of money crisis, you better carry your own cash." "What do you mean there's no money ?" "Exactly that Rioba. Please make sure you have enough money before going there....

Zambia Vs Zimbabwe: A Quick guide to visiting Victoria falls
Zambia Vs Zimbabwe: A Quick guide to visiting Victoria falls

Victoria falls is one of the natural wonders of the world that cuts across Zambia and Zimbabwe. It's one of the most spectacular places I have visited that commands power. It is truly majestic. It's no wonder then that the locals refer to it as...

How To Travel From Zambia to Zimbabwe By Road
How To Travel From Zambia to Zimbabwe By Road

Compared to Malawi, the transport system is Zambia in better. You can easily move around with their public transport system and if you are within Lusaka you can use Ulendo taxi app that launched recently. It's like uber, except it's a little bit pricier. Catch up:...

I was in Zimbabwe during the coup
I was in Zimbabwe during the coup

Can you remember what you were doing on 14th November 2017 at around noon? Don't go back to the calendar and see it was a Tuesday and say "duhh it was a weekday, of course, I was in the office." Nope. That doesn't cut...