What to Wear In Zanzibar
What to Wear In Zanzibar

Zanzibar is an island found in Tanzania, East Africa. The island is home to stunning beaches along the bluest parts of the Indian ocean. I traveled to Zanzibar in Late September. It was pretty hot and humid . I would frequently complain about the...

All You Need To Know Before Traveling To Zambia
All You Need To Know Before Traveling To Zambia

Most people visit Zambia to see the natural world wonder; Victoria falls also known as Mosi- Oa -Tunya which translates to the “Smoke that thunders.” To plan your idea budget trip to Zambia, here are some of the things I feel anyone planning to...

The True reality of saving money to travel
The True reality of saving money to travel

A post shared by Winnie Rioba | travel vlogger (@justrioba) on May 12, 2018 at 6:49am PDT Is social media setting unrealistic travel goals? Travel costs money and whether you find it expensive or you don't isn't the point here. The point is travel...

How To Travel From Kenya To Tanzania By Road
How To Travel From Kenya To Tanzania By Road

Tanzania tourism's industry is one of the best in Africa. Every year, tonnes of travellers find their way to climb the tallest mountain in Africa that is Kilimanjaro. Some choose Zanzibar as their honeymoon destination while others want to experience the wonder that is...

Is Lake Bunyonyi The Most Beautiful Place In Uganda?
Is Lake Bunyonyi The Most Beautiful Place In Uganda?

If you are an African traveler, then by all means you have heard of the wonder that is Lake Bunyonyi in Uganda. If you haven’t then are you even a traveler? Lake Bunyonyi is said to be the second deepest lake in Africa ....

How To Have Fun Chasing Victoria Falls
How To Have Fun Chasing Victoria Falls

Are you an adrenaline junkie that wants to experience the best of Victoria Falls? Victoria falls is one of the natural wonders of the world. It's known as the Mosi Oa Tunya that loosely translates to 'the smoke that thunders' which loosely translates to...

16 Things To Pack When Staying In A Hostel
16 Things To Pack When Staying In A Hostel

It's less than two weeks before I go backpacking West Africa and naturally my feelings are all over the place. I am planning to stay in hostels although I am not sure if I will find decent ones in West Africa.  Hostels are way...

#FeaturedTraveler: Christine Ooko
#FeaturedTraveler: Christine Ooko

Meet Christine, a sassy, classy and fit girl  from Kenya  who's about to attain her phD. She's in the academic field, mostly teaching, writing and doing research work which she absolutely loves. She spends a good amount of time building on her scholarly work...

Why Traveling in Africa is difficult and expensive
Why Traveling in Africa is difficult and expensive

"Traveling in Africa is too expensive" was a comment in response to a poll I conducted on my instagram stories a few days ago. The big question was "where would you go backpacking first between West Africa and Southeast Asia?" The countries in question...

I was in Zimbabwe during the coup
I was in Zimbabwe during the coup

Can you remember what you were doing on 14th November 2017 at around noon? Don't go back to the calendar and see it was a Tuesday and say "duhh it was a weekday, of course, I was in the office." Nope. That doesn't cut...