A Kenyan girl in Lesotho: A First Timer's Guide
A Kenyan girl in Lesotho: A First Timer's Guide

Lesotho pronounced as (Le-su-tu) is a tiny country surrounded by South Africa. If South Africa was a coconut then Lesotho would be the coconut water. [Tweet "A Kenyan girl in Lesotho: A First Timer's Guide"] Lesotho Quick Facts The capital is called Maseru. English...

The best hike in the Drakensberg - South Africa road Trip part 2
The best hike in the Drakensberg - South Africa road Trip part 2

Congratulations on choosing to travel beyond Johannesburg and Cape Town when in South Africa. These two cities are where most travelers check out but South Africa has so much more to offer. This blog post will focus on an itinerary that involves the best...