How To Enjoy Cape Maclear On A Budget

By now, you should know Malawi stole my heart and I intend to go back there someday. I loved everything from the kampango fish, to enjoying a cold Carlsberg by the beach and watching the sun set over the lake. I made sure to...

Why Traveling in Africa is difficult and expensive
Why Traveling in Africa is difficult and expensive

"Traveling in Africa is too expensive" was a comment in response to a poll I conducted on my instagram stories a few days ago. The big question was "where would you go backpacking first between West Africa and Southeast Asia?" The countries in question...

I was in Zimbabwe during the coup
I was in Zimbabwe during the coup

Can you remember what you were doing on 14th November 2017 at around noon? Don't go back to the calendar and see it was a Tuesday and say "duhh it was a weekday, of course, I was in the office." Nope. That doesn't cut...

9 Hilarious Questions you get as an African Woman Travelling Solo
9 Hilarious Questions you get as an African Woman Travelling Solo

A few months back, I decided to backpack solo. Now, this would not be my first solo trip as an African woman traveling solo, but it would be the first time I travel through 5 African countries with a just a camera, a laptop and...