#Featured Traveller: The fashionista that loves travelling
#Featured Traveller: The fashionista that loves travelling

Meet Sharize Odongo, a Kenyan student that finds joy in travelling. She is in her final year of school, runs a business and also manages to create time to travel. All i ever did while in uni was binge study ..err.. I mean binge...

How To Travel From Malawi to Zambia By Road
How To Travel From Malawi to Zambia By Road

I recently wrote about flights between African countries being super expensive.  I believe this is the main factor that discourages traveling in Africa. However, if you like me are a hardcore explorer, then there is the option of traveling in between African countries by bus....

The Hidden treasure that is Homa Bay County Part 1
The Hidden treasure that is Homa Bay County Part 1

Show me a person that does not like the Kenyan Coast and I will show you Museveni's resignation letter. Honestly, is there anything quite as euphoric as an amble by  kenya's beaches especially if you live in chaotic city Nairobi? It's always a pleasant...

3 Things I have learnt from travelling on a budget Across Africa
3 Things I have learnt from travelling on a budget Across Africa

When the hot Malawian sun shone down on my scalp one fine Saturday morning, it started to dawn on me that my overland solo expedition across five southern African countries on a budget had commenced. My heart beat with anticipation. A post shared by...

How to have an awesome time in Naivasha & Travel  costs breakdown
How to have an awesome time in Naivasha & Travel costs breakdown

Naivasha is an excellent weekend getaway for anyone living in Nairobi. Naivasha is less than 2 hours from Nairobi. Granted, I have been to Naivasha several times and before a few weekends ago, I had no meaningful form of memories of how I spent...

#featured Sunday: From no passport to 19 Countries in 2 years!
#featured Sunday: From no passport to 19 Countries in 2 years!

Meet Anne Wanjiku, a Kenyan travel enthusiast.  She also happens to be a friend from back in 2015 when we did not have passports. We could only talk on whatsapp about our dreams to travel. Fast Forward to 2018, and Shishi has been through...

How To Enjoy Cape Maclear On A Budget

By now, you should know Malawi stole my heart and I intend to go back there someday. I loved everything from the kampango fish, to enjoying a cold Carlsberg by the beach and watching the sun set over the lake. I made sure to...

How To Be Safe When Travelling Solo
How To Be Safe When Travelling Solo

After several months, of planning, and most importantly saving for your solo trip, the D-day is almost here and you feel ready. Well, almost ready. You will most likely feel butterflies in your stomach or if your anxiety levels are on steroids maybe you will feel...


Meet Hug Mathers, our very first traveller to appear on the #featuredsunday series. Hug is an African content creator from West Africa that is based somewhere in Africa. He is a 25-year old that loves travelling. He describes himself as an adventurous, passionate and curious...

8 Things To Do When You Travel Solo For The First Time
8 Things To Do When You Travel Solo For The First Time

"Hey Rioba, I hope you get laid when you are on these trips ndio ukimaliza ututolee statistics ya country vs performance".  Just when I thought I had heard it all on 9 hilarious questions you might get as an African woman traveling solo,  someone...