15 African Travel Bloggers That Will Inspire You To Travel
15 African Travel Bloggers That Will Inspire You To Travel

It’s a fact that traveling in Africa is difficult and expensive. It’s also a fact that traveling outside the African continent with most African passports is an extreme sport because of our “weak” passports. However, these facts have not deterred Africans from traveling and...

My Personal experiences that might make you hate travel
My Personal experiences that might make you hate travel

Why are pictures worth a thousand words while they don't tell the full story? Photos are good at hiding a thousand feelings. In this post, I will use some images to talk about some of the things I hate about travel. If only traveling...

A Weekend Staycation At The Only Lake In Central Province: Lake Ol Bolossat
A Weekend Staycation At The Only Lake In Central Province: Lake Ol Bolossat

The primary interest of this trip was to have a peaceful weekend staycation by the only Lake in Central province, Lake Ol Bolossat. If you make plans to get away for a weekend, please see my previous blog post on how not to travel...

How Not To Travel to Lake Ol Bolossat
How Not To Travel to Lake Ol Bolossat

Lake Ol Bolossat, located in Nyandarua county is the only natural lake in Central province. It's home to Hippos and a multitude of birds. The lake is at the foot of the Aberdare ranges. [Tweet "Did you know there Lake Ol Bolossat is the...

9 unusual African Delicacies you probably did not know about
9 unusual African Delicacies you probably did not know about

I recently expressed my surprise at the fact that snail is a delicacy and I met an equally rude shock from fellow Africans that know snail is a common delicacy in Africa. Turns out it's not. There are several delicacies you might find unusual....

Never to be forgotten travel moments from Lagos, Nigeria
Never to be forgotten travel moments from Lagos, Nigeria

[metadata element="date" ] This post highlights my personal moments. These moments do not necessarily reflect on Lagos as a whole but are based on my personal experience. On missing my flight Well, this did not exactly happen in Lagos, but it applies since Lagos...

10 Awesome Things To Do In Lagos Nigeria
10 Awesome Things To Do In Lagos Nigeria

As I had mentioned earlier, Lagos, Nigeria is made up of the Island and the mainland. If you are travelling to Lagos, Nigeria and you do not know what to expect then read the blog post below. Catch up: What to expect when travelling...

#FeaturedTraveler: Balancing travel with full time job
#FeaturedTraveler: Balancing travel with full time job

September's featured traveler is Cathy, a young Kenyan lady that loves traveling. Her journey inspires wanderlusts in their 20s that want to balance a full-time job and enjoy traveling at the same time. Fun fact: Cathy was nominated for Kenya's BAKE awards best travel blogger...

Reasons Why Every Smart Traveller Needs Packing Cubes
Reasons Why Every Smart Traveller Needs Packing Cubes

If you do not know what packing cubes are then this post is for you. Most of us have a problem with over-packing, especially ladies. Before packing ask yourself if you will need some of the things you are packing for your trip. Will...

What to eat in Lagos | Nigerian Delicacies
What to eat in Lagos | Nigerian Delicacies

Have you even lived if you have not tried Nigerian food? I am yet to met a group of people that take their food seriously like Nigerians. As I said in this post, Nigerians love their food spicy. Scratch that, their food is peppery....